Fonds Commun d’appui à la mise en œuvre du Programme d’Appui au Secteur de la Santé, Coordination Intersectorielle de Lutte contre les IST/VIH/SIDA et Santé FAD II
- Project Fonds Commun d’appui à la mise en œuvre du Programme d’Appui au Secteur de la Santé:
◦ The aim was to reduce the mother and infant mortality.
◦ (The result was in the) Rehabilitation de 42 maternity wards in medical furniture
- Project : Coordination Intersectorielle de Lutte contre les IST / VIH / SIDA 2003-2006.
◦ The aim was to improve the prevention and diagnostic of HIV
◦ 60% of the laboratories of national, regional and district hospitals could detect HIV through rapid tests
◦ Assistance for 75% people Living with HIV / AIDS
- Project Santé FAD II :
◦ Rehabilitation of 20 health centres, 6 hospitals, with supply of medical and surgery furniture
◦ Improvement of 45% of health coverage for the population living around 5km from a health centre